Home Health Four early warning signs of ce:rvical ca:nc:er that women often mistake for...

Four early warning signs of ce:rvical ca:nc:er that women often mistake for something else

It is believed by Ca:ncer Research UK experts that 99.8 per cent of these cases are totally preventable through knowledge of the most over-looked symptoms

Among the various strains of the devastating disease, cervical cancer is well known by researchers as one of the trickiest to identify.

As per healthcare experts, this could be down to the ambiguity of its symptoms – many of which are often mistaken as side effects for other, more common conditions.

Sadly, this means that hundreds of women are diagnosed too late, after having been reluctant to get checked-out by a professional – which, in turn, can hinder the efficiency of treatment later down the line.

Therefore, leading researchers are trying to highlight the importance of recognising four key indicators that ca:nc:e:r is present within the cervix, and urging women and girls around the world not to overlook them.

Concerning stats

In the UK, a heartbreaking nine people receive diagnosis with cervical cancer per day – meaning an even more concerning 3,300 new cases are identified per year.

The disease occurs as abnormal cells form uncontrollably in the lining of the cervix, which eventually form a tumour.

According to Ca:ncer Research UK experts, 99.8 percent of these cases are totally preventable, through HPV vaccinations, cervical screenings, and knowledge of the disease’s symptoms.

However, the issue is that the four signs that experts believe are the most vital to keep an eye out for also fall under the umbrella of other, less serious conditions, meaning a sufferer might be reluctant to get checked out.

1) Abnormal bleeding

For many women, irregular bleeding is simply part of their experience of womanhood.

Whether it occurs between periods, after s3x or post menopause, this inconvenient and often-painful sensation could be due to all sorts of things.

Not only could several different types of contraception (particularly the coil, the implant and the pill) trigger on-off bleeding, but conditions like endometriosis and PCOS could also mean that irregular bleeds are a frequent occurrence.

As we say, bleeding after s3x is also common, and in most cases, it’s caused by a cervical erosion or ectropion, as opposed to something more sinister.

It’s also particularly common in the cases of young girls, pregnant women, and people on the pill, because of changes in hormone levels.

Per researchers, however, unusual bleeding patterns could be a sign of cervical cancer.

The NHS suggests you should always see your GP about unusual bleeding between periods or after s3x, or go to a s3xual health clinic.

2) Pain during int3rcours3

According to researchers, experiencing pain while being intimat3 with your partner could indicate the presence of cancer within the cervix.

This doesn’t have to be full-fledged agony, however, and apparently, can simply describe the feeling of discomfort during s3x.

However, the fact that this phenomena could have hundreds of other causes – many of which aren’t considered as serious as cancer – mean that cervical canc3r is often dismissed when it shouldn’t be.

Women who have experienced the menopause might suffer from painful s3x due to vaginal dryness, while infections like thrush or STIs can trigger a similar discomfort.

Pain during s3x could also be mental, following a past s3xual trauma, or the result of longer-term conditions – again, such as endometriosis and PCOS.

However, as we say, tumours growing on tissues in and around the cervix, as well as any other nearby organs, could cause pain, meaning it’s always worth getting checked out if it’s playing on your mind.

3) Unusual discharge

Changes in the consistency, colour, or smell of discharge can be triggered by several conditions – and in most cases, by thrush.

Vaginal discharge that is considered ‘normal’ should be clear or white, and non-smelling, but can change in thickness because of the menstrual cycle.

If discharge becomes brown, green, dark yellow, or grey in colour, fishy or foul in scent, or chunky, foamy or accompanied by itching in texture, however, it could indicate either an infection or another cause – which sadly, could be cervical canc3r.

4) Lower back or pelvic pain

Pain in either of these areas could be because of an injury, or some form of trauma – like a slipped disc, or a trapped nerve.

With regards to pain in the back area, this could also be the side-effect to a degenerative condition, such as disc disease, osteoarthritis, or spinal stenosis.

A lot of menstruating women also complain of lower back pain while on their periods – which is also the case with pain in the pelvis.

Pelvic pain could also be due to conditions like a urinary tract infection, pelvic inflammatory disease (PID), endometriosis, kidney stones, ovarian cysts, or muscular conditions, like pelvic floor spasms or a hernia.