Home Life After her newborn infant stopped breathing during a car ride, her mother...

After her newborn infant stopped breathing during a car ride, her mother issued a warning to other parents.

After her newborn infant stopped breathing during a car ride, her mother issued a warning to other parents.

Kirsti said she wondered why nobody had ever warned her about the dangers of babies being in car seats for long periods of time, and wants other parents to be aware ( Image: Mercury Press and Media Ltd.)


Kirsti Clark, 28, and her husband Christopher Clark, 29, spent a day out with their daughters on April 4 – taking three-week-old Harper out of her seat every time they stopped at a shop.

A long journey home due to rush-hour traffic didn’t worry the parents of two, but when they got in and lay Harper on her play mat the baby’s lips turned blue, her jaw clenched shut and white foam started frothing out of her nose and mouth.

Kirsti said the five-minute journey to hospital felt like a lifetime and she was convinced she was going to lose her three-week-old baby girl Harper ( Image: Mercury Press and Media Ltd.)

The couple quickly grabbed their three-year-old Malena Clark and raced Harper to hospital – a five-minute journey that felt like a lifetime for Kirsti who was convinced she was going to lose her baby.

Thankfully medics were able to resuscitate Harper, who had ???????? ? ???????..

Now journalist Kirsti is determined to share what happened to her baby girl as she and Christopher had never heard that such a short time in a completely safe car seat could have such dire consequences.

The couple had been out for the day with their two daughters when Harper began foaming at the mouth and fitting ( Image: Mercury Press and Media Ltd.)

Despite Kirsti’s concerns of losing her daughter, hospital doctors were able to resuscitate Harper. They warned parents that keeping their children in a car seat for more than an hour puts them at danger of oxygen deprivation.

Harper’s oxygen levels had dropped to dangerously low levels, causing her to have a ???????. Her episode was caused by a rapid surge in oxygen as a result of her being spread out on the floor.

Kirsti is now keen to alert all parents about what she believes is a relatively unknown danger: “I couldn’t believe it when the consultant informed us it was the car seat.” ‘There’s no way,’ I thought. I was perplexed as to why no one had ever informed us.

Harper was fortunate to recover completely and is now completely healthy,

but the scenario could have been far worse had things gone differently. Kirsti and Christopher, thankfully, responded promptly when they realized anything was amiss, and the hospital medics were able to save the day.

Did you know that leaving a baby in a car seat for too long can be dangerous? Spread the word about this story to your relatives and friends. It has the potential to save a young person’s life!

Source:mirror.co.uk, bepositivebehappy.com