It’s common sense really and it has been proven by a bunch of studies that when a man sees a beautiful girl many things cross their minds, may they be of a sexual nature or just a sense of admiration towards the nice lady they see. Yes, I know what you are thinking. Obviously sleeping with her is one of them but there really isn’t something you can do to change that as both genders have these thoughts from time to time. It is the way humans are, according to basic psychology.
However, there is much more to know of the way we think and you are about to learn what I mean in the following part of the article. Some of the things mentioned you may know and some not but there is no way you know all of them, well, except if you are an intelligent man!
So read on because today we will talk about 8 things guys are really thinking when they see a beautiful woman.
1. “What makes her so pretty?”
As it is natural when men watch a beautiful woman cross the street they will be stunned by her superb appearance. And mind you, we are talking about beautiful on this one and not sexy, even though she may have a hot body as well.
A man’s mind, depending on his preferences, will remember some specific characteristics of the female subject. For some, this may be the smile, the lips or even the cheeks. But most men are bedazzled by a woman’s eyes or hair.
Eyes are the windows to the soul, they say, and they are not wrong, as the eye language can give out more vibes than the whole body one.
2. “How will she perform in the bedroom?”
Again, we should just get the most obvious one out of the way. It’s not too out of the ordinary for a man to just immediately jump towards s.e.x.u.a.l thoughts when he sees a pretty girl. He might automatically wonder how a girl is going to act in the bedroom whenever her looks are able to captivate him.

3. “I wonder if she’s single.”
Of course, some guys are also going to want to go straight to the point. They will wonder whether a woman is single or not. They will want to see if they actually have a chance at landing a girl like her. He is going to be wondering about whether she’s already taken or if she’s still on the market for a guy.
4. “How to approach her?”
Possibly the most popular thought among males there is when talking about a pretty girl passing by them. You have to think fast and make a decision whether that is to talk to her or let her go on with her day unbothered.
Guys will give a lot of thought how to approach a woman. Just go say hello or to open with a brilliant and well thought out quote he found last night while chilling on Facebook. Sadly most guys are too shy to even try or too scared of getting rejected, that they don’t even give it a go and the opportunity goes wasted.

5. “She is definitely too good for me.”
But there are some less confident guys out there too. When they see a pretty woman, they won’t automatically just think of ways to approach her. Instead, these less confident men are just going to wallow in a mild sense of self-pity. They will think about how she might be too pretty for them and that they shouldn’t even try at all.
6. “What if she turns me down”
Let’s say a man gets the courage he was looking for and decides to ask a beautiful woman out on a date. It’s ok if she responds with a “No” but many men are too shy to even try once to ask a woman out. Because that is what they fear will happen, the rejection.
That’s what we think and what makes us ashamed to even crack the age old question. It is natural to get turned down multiple times in your lifetime if you are a man. Every woman can’t like you but a big percentage of those you ask out will respond positively. Just overcome the fear and ask the girl out. These are all things that go on in our minds when we see a beautiful woman.
7. “What is her type of guy?
And some men will wonder what kind of guy a pretty woman like her would be typically interested in. He would speculate and think about what he has to be doing and what kind of guy he has to be in order to land a great girl like her. He will wonder what her ideal man would be like.
8. “I wonder what her personality is truly like.”
And some guys will want to go deep into what makes her who she is. They won’t focus too much on her looks. He is going to try and go beyond what she looks like. He is going to want to figure out what kind of personality she has based on her body language and her overall demeanor. He will want to know if there is depth beyond the surface.