Sodium bicarbonate, also known as hydrogen peroxide, is a powerful product that you can apply on many different aspects: in cooking recipes, at home, for beauty and personal hygiene, as home remedies, in the garden and orchard, etc. Therefore, we will show 10 amazing uses for baking soda that few people know it.
Peel your skin
If you want to enhance the appearance of your skin and leave it smoother and cleaner so that any homemade oils or creams you apply afterwards can be better absorbed, peel with baking soda.
Wash clothes
Instead of applying soap, you can use baking soda to wash your clothes. Use it the same way you would use soap, using one tablespoon for every three pounds of clothes.
Wash fruits and vegetables
If you want to get rid of dirt from fruits and vegetables, baking soda is a cheap, simple, effective and natural way to do it. Put the fruit or vegetable you want to wash and, in your previously wet hand, stream a little baking soda. Apply it all over the surface of the fruit or vegetable. Then soak well to remove it completely.
Bad breath
If you’ve eaten garlic and want to remove the smell in your mouth, brushing your teeth may not be enough. To completely get rid of garlic breath, simply add half a teaspoon of baking soda to half a glass of water and soak your mouth.
If you have eaten too much or eaten foods that have caused heartburn, take a glass of about 150 ml of water and add half a teaspoon of baking soda. Blend and drink a little at a time. You will soon start to feel better.
Insect bites
If you’ve been bitten by a mosquito or other insect and find a natural remedy to ease the itching, you can use baking soda. In a small bowl, put a teaspoon of baking soda and add enough water to make a paste that isn’t too runny. Use this paste to the bite and leave it there for a few hours. You can take some gauze over the area to keep the baking soda in place.
As a deodorant
You can avoid using commercial deodorants, which in most cases consists of a cocktail of synthetic chemicals that, far from being beneficial, can be quite damaging to your health. Keep in mind that deodorant is applied every day and if we can replace a commercial deodorant with a natural home remedy, we will be avoiding exposing ourselves to many toxins.
For the feet
To get rid of calluses, d3ad and dry skin and even remove fungus and get more cared for feet, use baking soda.
In a bowl or container large enough to fit your feet, add warm water (it shouldn’t be too hot, it should hold water well). Add a tablespoon and a half of baking soda and rub your feet, drawing special attention to the most problematic areas. This will peel your feet and leave them looking like new.
Then, soak your feet and apply some oil, such as almond oil, argan oil, or coconut oil. Put on some socks and sleep like that overnight. In the morning, your feet will feel great.
Get rid of bad smells from your car
If you want to flush out cigarette smells, etc., from your car, use baking soda. You can use it in two ways: if the upholstery can be removed, wash it in the washing machine with baking soda.
Another way to use baking soda is to put several small containers around your car. Change them out every week or 10 days. The baking soda will soak up any bad smells that may be inside your car.
Oily skin, pimples, pores and blackheads
Mix one teaspoon of baking soda with about ten drops of lemon juice. The combination should be a little runny, but not too runny, otherwise it will run down your face. Rub this paste to your entire face or to areas where your skin is oilier (like your forehead, nose, and chin). Leave it on for 15-25 minutes, then soak it off with warm water and soak thoroughly.
Avoid this drink to reduce the risk of str0ke and heart att.ack
When we feel tired and lacking energy, our first action is often finding a cup of coffee. Energy drinks are the other common “solution.” One of the most famous drinks, Red Bull, is even considered as a drink that “gives us wings.”
The popular energy drink Red Bull has been related to cardiovascular problems, including str0ke and heart att.ack.
Red Bull stiffens the blood and offers the body with unnatural stimulation.
One hour after drinking a single can of Red Bull, the blood consistency of the research participants became abnormal and resembled that of a heart patient, which reported by Scott Willoughby, a senior researcher at the Cardiovascular Research Center at the Royal Adelaide Hospital in Australia.
The main components in Red Bull are caffeine and sugar. It also consists of aspartame, the artificial sweetener that has neurotoxic, metabolic, allergic, and carcinogenic effects. The original manufacturer of Red Bull in Austria even concerns its customers not to drink more than two cans per day.
In addition to the negative effects related with its high caffeine content, Red Bull consists of various chemicals that have not yet been properly studied.
Many people mix it with alcohol, which boosts the potential dangers. This combination can overload the body and lead to serious health problems.
So what option is there when you drink extra amounts of caffeinated beverages ?
Many experts advise doing the following things to increase your energy levels:
- Enhance your diet
- Eat more omega-3 fatty acids
- Eat less sugar
- Lessen your stress level
- Get enough good quality sleep
- Exercise regularly